Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Fallingwater a home designed by one of Americas most famous architects Frank Lloyd Wright for the Kaufmann family. This home is one of the most beautiful and interestingly architectural buildings I have ever come to witness.
The home is built atop a waterfall where it is intertwined with the influences of nature and its surroundings.
Frank Lloyd Wrights design of this house not only sits above the waterfall but is actually part of the original boulders that lay there.
The exterior of the house is full of exaggerated horizontal lines that make up the structure.
This theme continues to the interior where not only the structure itself can be seen as a set of drawers but also the walls themselves, which are made up of stone punching out of the walls in a range of different positions.
The floors emphasize the feeling of the river, looking as though they had been worn down by the constant flow of water.
Each room of the house had its own unique characteristics within the design, the master bedroom and Edgar Kaufmann jr.'s room intrigued me the most.
I loved how Wright used the desk to conceal the pipes and how he designed every aspect of the home strictly for the home.
Every corner turned had something new to interest the eye, there was not one moment walking through the house that I found myself board or uninterested, the entire design was extremely inventive and something worth taking a second visit to.

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