Tuesday, February 22, 2011

International Memorial Day

In the year of 2015 the united nation came up with the idea that they should mandate an international- getting to know each other- Memorial Day. To bring our nation together as a whole, through this the heads of every state and continent got together to learn more about one another. This international Memorial Day raised such awareness to influence more peace upon the world, that more nations adapted each other’s cultures and accepted one another as is. Not only did this Memorial Day influence the politics of the nation but also the people within them. One of these people was a girl named Sarah and her family.
After learning of the true meaning of this Memorial day, Sarah took it upon herself to also get to no someone from a different place. She had heard a lot about the Chinese from her classes in school and had actually learned a little Chinese in her beginning language class. So she went online and searched pen pal and found a girl of approximately the same age whose name was pong. Sarah and Pong hit it off right away and became the best of friends.
One day Sarah was searching online to find more information about the Memorial Day to tell pong. In the process she found an extraordinary table that was designed off the basis of the day. The table was in the shape of a stretched out oval and allowed a touch screen to rise from the middle in order to communicate with others. Sarah convinced her parents to get the table, and once they had it they experienced a whole new world of dining. The whole family could dine with whomever they want whenever they want. Sarah’s family got to know Pong’s and the learned about different foods to experiment with and how there cultures can interact together.
Not long after buying the table Sarah’s family became very close with Pong and they established that they would take time to have dinner together every Friday, each time trying a food of each other’s. The screen of the table could rotate making it easy for them to instruct each other on different recipes and learn more about each culture. Making this Memorial day a very influential experience upon our nation as a whole

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