Monday, January 31, 2011

blog post 1

The space of the campus is set up as a grid with the cafeteria and the Elliot University center in the middle of the campus as communal areas to eat and socialize with friends, with all other classes, residence halls, and sports surrounding them. The Power of the University lies not simply in one building but in many and the way they are presented. Several buildings have columns at the entrances to make them feel larger than they really are and to invite you in. Also there is the library, which may not be great in its appearance but more in its height; the library is the tallest building on campus. The experience you receive as you walk around campus is one of admiration in the specific detail put into each building and the simple truth which is so obviously displayed that the building are not simply meant just to be utilized but also to be looked upon as a beautiful structure. The principles of the campus were first built on those thought of buy the people
who founded it and created it an all women college to begin with. One of which I believe is based off of the idea of Athena the goddess of wisdom, enough so to place a statue of her on campus .The goddess of wisdom is ment to influence those who may gaze upon her and lead them into the wisest path. The campus was also based on the precedent of its first occupants and graduates, in the way that the first buildings were built the rest of the campus grew by influence of them and the style of buildings that were first laid down on the campus to be continued through out even the newest buildings. The site of the campus is for the most part flat land with the exception of a few hills making the university seem more connected even though it may be spread out. The university is also set in the city of Greensboro making it easily accessible. The order of the buildings are based around two general locations college avenue,  and spring garden street on these two roads there may not be a specific order to the buildings but they are grouped close enouph together to find your way. The scale of the buildings is very large each has its distinctive features and there magnitude of there sizes make the entire campus as a whole seem larger. The technology behind the building is revealed in there beauty and detail, without the help of technology the university would not had grown as quickly or beautifully as it has. And the surface of the campus lies within the tecture of every building, the brick, marble and many other materials used to create these buildings create textured surfaces all throughout the campus to make every aspect of it interesting.

1 comment:

  1. You have really tied in the readings and the material we've gone over in class into this posting. Very nicely done!
